Each country has its own national cuisine, special traditional dishes, delicious soups. Any region or any nation is always ready to surprise tourists with unusual and delicious dishes. Although, such culinary masterpiece, for instance, Nigerian egusi soup, may be called a delicacy only for tourists as for locals they make up their daily ration. Here in the article, you will be able to find information concerning egusi soup recipe and products needed for its cooking.
How to cook egusi soup?
Egusi soup is made of protein-rich pumpkin seeds and melon seeds; they are also called Egusi seeds; To this African soup, Nigeria residents usually add leafy vegetables, goat meat, spices and seasonings like Chile. By the way, it is considered to be one of the most popular Nigerian soups.
How to prepare egusi soup? Or a list of needed ingredients:
How to cook egusi soup?
Beef fillet;Ground CrayFish, 1 cup;Onion, 1 piece;Dry fish – heads;EGUSI SEEDS (Melon seeds), 2 cups;Semolina, 1 kg;Tomato paste;Salt, pepper, turmeric, any spice for taste;Palm oil, 1 Cup;Bitter leaves, spinach, pumpkin leaves;Bouillon cubes;Water.
Egusi soup recipe
How to cook egusi soup?
First of all, a beef fillet is to be washed and cut into small cubes, then put in a saucepan. The same is to be done with crayfish and fish. It also applies to onion, other vegetables – everything should be salted.
The next step - add 3 cups of water (or it depends on the amount of meat and fish you have) and cook it on the strong heat for about 15 minutes. After this time you are to change the heat (reduce it) and cook the soup for another half hour.
READ ALSO: Nigerian vegetable soup recipe
While the meat is cooking, place Egusi seeds and a little water in a blender and mix it till the appearance of a homogeneous mixture. To make it easier to grind them, they can be previously soaked in warm water for about 15 minutes. Next is to put them in a bowl and set aside.
How to cook egusi soup?
When beef is tender enough, add pepper, salt, other spices and cook the dish for another 15 minutes;After this - reduce the heat to medium and add a mixture of Egusi seeds, 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, palm oil, leaves, and spices;Cover the contents with lid and cook for another 30 minutes.
When the soup is ready, start preparing its secret ingredient – semolina balls which we will have to taste with egusi soup. Pour some water and milk in a saucepan and make them boil. Reduce heat and gradually stir the liquid with a wooden spoon, add semolina. Continue to stir till it becomes a homogeneous mixture. If semolina mixture is too solid, add some hot water, then keep stirring it.
How to cook egusi soup?
African soup Egusi serving procedure:
Serve the balls made of semolina on the plates and egusi soup in a bowl. Without hesitation eat Egusi soup with the help of these balls and send them to your mouth – Nigerian rules of table etiquette clearly are not distinguished with severity.
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